Colors represent different things to people. In the digital world, web designers leverage color psychology to create a human connect. Dark mode UI is perhaps one of the most discussed topics among web designers. Most people generally associate dark mode UIs with reduced eye comfort, better sleep patterns, and battery saving. Hence, designers associated with the best web design company in India face an increased demand to tailor dark themes. Moreover, dark themes are a popular aesthetic choice.

Instances When Designers Must Tailor Dark Themes

Designers must consider various aspects before diving deep into tailoring dark themes. Not all surfaces support dark themes. For example, while they might provide an attractive backdrop for a financial app, they are a misfit for banking apps. This is because people generally go to banking apps to know their account balance. Dark themes might prove to be too dark and frustrating for such users. Hence, designers must understand where to apply based on:

  • Whether it goes with the brand identity of their clients
  • How culturally suitable its usage will be
  • The color psychology and emotional impact 

Dark-themed web designs can only be successful when designers balance all the above three. It is tricky, but because of this, dark themes are popular with businesses and entrepreneurs. 

Ideally, designers must tailor dark themes when:

  • The client requires a minimalistic design with sparse content
  • Designers need to create dramatic and striking visuals
  • Dark themes go well with the content, etc

Also, it is essential that top web designing companies designate experienced designers to execute a dark-themed web design. Diving into dark-themed UI development can be challenging for designers who are inexperienced in this genre. 

Customization Methods To Tailor Dark Themes Within A Web Design

Web designers must concentrate on several factors to ensure the perfect execution of a dark theme website. Checking all the boxes in the dark theme best practices checklist will enhance its impact. Important customization considerations to tailor dark themes include:

Restricting true black usage

Literally, a dark theme translates into a black theme. But when used in a website design, the dark theme can best be described as a “low-light” theme. The primary concern of the best web design company designers is to ensure text legibility. Achieving enough contrast to separate the visual elements also poses quite a problem. Hence, using true black for website backgrounds must be avoided. It is best to use dark grey instead of true black because designers can play around with a broader range of color palettes.

Further drop shadows are more prominently visible against a grey background. Using grey to tailor dark themes also creates a better darker tone for digital screens. Also, using true black can result in an imperceptible separation between web page elements. And a design that blends in too much becomes dull and monotonous.  

Focussing the attention on color

Defining a color scheme in dark-themed UIs requires delicate balancing. A dark UI limits color usage. Designers can only use a limited range of color accents. Further, a website development company must use unsaturated accent colors in dark UIs. Saturated color accents tend to vibrate visually in dark UIs. 

Another way to overcome the color challenge in dark UIs is to use split complementary colors. Here, designers can use one dominant color and two others that are adjacent to the complement of the dominant color. This can help achieve contrast yet relieve the tensions of using a complementary color scheme. 

Leverage negative space

Using dark spaces adroitly can help tailor dark themes so they do not become overtly overbearing. Designers must counterbalance and make dark UIs lightweight by smartly using negative space. Skillful use of white spaces makes a dark UI scannable, defines web page elements precisely, and enhances its readability. In short, negative spaces give dark UIs much-needed breathing space. Hence, designers must consider integrating it within the visual hierarchy when they tailor dark themes.

A word of caution. Web designers must avoid cramming a dark-themed web design with multiple elements and text. Cluttering up a dark theme website will increase user bounce rates.

Typographical hierarchy style

Designers must scrutinize and think several times before adding texts and visual elements to a dark-themed website. Even the best web design company will agree to this. Here, the concern is twofold; one is to attain contrast, and the other is legibility. Firstly, the text size must be large enough to ensure good readability. Smaller text is very difficult to read in dark UIs. Special attention must be paid to headers and hero text because they create the maximum impact.

Secondly, a contrast between the text and its background is mandatory. Designers can mitigate these concerns by:

  • Increasing contrast between the text and its background
  • Selecting the right font size and character spacing
  • Adjusting the line height appropriately

Achieving the perfect typography hierarchy can make a big difference in the output. All web designers associated with the best website development company in Kolkata prioritize this. This is because such dark-themed websites perform well on all website quality metrics.

Achieving website depth by defining its elevation

Web designers can easily create depth in light-themed websites. How to achieve the same in dark UIs? Sparse color accents make it difficult but possible. Designers can add at least 3 to 4 levels of elevation by leveraging corresponding color schemes. Adding depth prevents dark-themed websites from becoming flat and uninteresting. They emphasize the website's visual hierarchy by illuminating web page elements differently.

Pure white fonts break the user experience

Poorly placed text can break user experiences. This is especially true for a dark UI. Hence, web designers must tailor dark themes to avoid this. The best way to do this is to leverage color opacity. But using pure white fonts is not a very good idea. Pure white texts appear blurry and distorted because of the optical illusion. This is irrespective of whether you use true black or dark grey as the dark UI background. The best alternative is to use dim white or light grey tones for dark website text.

Blend in your imagery database

Customizing imagery is integral to elevating dark theme readability for the best web design company in India. It is very important to blend in the images used in a dark-themed UI website. Designers must adjust them to make them appear prominent and look better. Designers must use filters to reduce the effect of images that contrast heavily with the background. Such filters alter the brightness and contrast of the displayed image and reduce its noticeability.


Web designers associated with the best web design company can customize and tailor dark themes to maximize their impact. But they must also test this dark-themed UI extensively to gain feedback about user experiences. Leveraging this feedback will improve the quality of dark-themed websites and make them stand out in a competitive digital landscape.